Hat Club approached Homeland for a collaboration for their Arizona Exclusive market. We chose to focus on Arizona Reservation schools with large Indigenous representation, community support, and who nurture their baseball and softball programs. We reworked Arizona Diamondbacks with the color palettes of: Tuba City Unified School District for "Warrior Green, "Window Rock Unified School District for "Scouts Blue," Alchesay High School for the "White River."  A total 160 hats, 150 t-shirts, and 50 enamel pins were made. Everything sold out in one hour.

It was important to have the community members, athletes and coaches interact, wear, and put their finger prints on the hats. Their reaction to a campaign such as this is what made the project truly special. 

Creative Direction - Ryan Allison, Ty LodgePole
Art Direction - Ryan Allison
Hat Design - Ryan Allison, Ty LodgePole
Graphic Design - Ryan Allison, Gabriela Ledezma
Photography: Kanion Productions
Spring 2024